โ€œGRILLโ€ Feature detail

Hello, Moomers ! Today we are pleasure to present the new feature that everyone has been waiting for, โ€œ Grill Feature โ€œ This feature will take your Moomon to Grill! in order to exchange it with the devil fruit and extra rewards including Rainbow eggs, Golden eggs or even Diamond eggs!

Each Moomon will receive a different reward, it depends on the star of the Moomon brought to Grill.

For bringing a Moomon to Grill, you will get the following amount of Evil Fruits in table below.

In addition to obtaining the Evil Fruit, there is also an extra reward as a bonus for those who bring Moomon to Grill. Extra reward consists of Diamond Eggs, Golden Eggs, Rainbow Eggs and Stone Eggs.

Rates for each type of egg

Diamond Egg

Golden Egg

Rainbow Egg

Stone Egg

Each star of grilling Moomon will have a chance to receive extra reward as follows:

Grilling a Moomon costs 50 Moo per round.

Next, letโ€™s take a look at the process of Grilling your Moomon. After Feature Grill update on 28.04.22.

Go to https://moo-monster.com/ >> Connect wallet >> Go to Inventory >> Select the Moomon you want to Grill.

Click โ€œGrillโ€Button

Accept condition >> Approve NFT

Click โ€Confirmโ€

Click โ€Grillโ€

Tap to โ€œGrilโ€

See the result

This is your reward from Grill, Extra reward will be included.

This feature is suitable for people who donโ€™t use NFT Moomon and want to use it in other ways. The feature will be open for use on 28.04.22.

Last updated