

Some of the pig characters are able to unlock the higher form for the battle by feeding them with the requested items they need. (Each requested items give differences EXP) The receiving EXP will be shown before the player's confirmation.

  1. "Evolution" button will appear after the character reaches max exp. Token will be needed for the "Evolution" (buyable at the market)

  2. "Reset" is to undo all the EXP that the character received or will receive. Unlocked from is irreversible. Food resetter will be needed for "Reset" (buyable at the market).

SP Point Usage

When human characters level up, SP point will be received(To upgrade the stats). All SP points are irreversible after tapping "Confirm" except for SP Reset.

SP Reset is reversing all SP points (SP Reseter is required and buyable at the market).

XP Level up (with items)

Beside getting XP from the battle, players could level up XP by using items. Both human and pig characters are able to use items to level up XP.


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